Real estate experience your family can count on.
MiCoast Properties is an environmentally focused real estate developer located in Muskegon, Michigan. We develop residential properties along West Michigan's coastline.
Our History
Brothers Mark and Max McKee began mining sand on the east side of Michigan in the 1920s, and SPC was formed when they merged their company with two West Michigan based mining companies, including the mine operator at Pigeon Hill. The sand from Pigeon Hill was used in making engine castings for the war effort during World War II. The two brothers had 15 children between them and the majority of SPC continues to be owned by the many descendants of Mark and Max.
The CEO of SPC is Max McKee, a West Michigan resident who believes in local investment and working with stakeholders to foster a flourishing community.
Our headquarters was in Detroit for many years, but we relocated to Muskegon in 2011. In recent years the company’s primary focus has shifted from sand mining to marine transportation in the Port City Marine group of companies and real estate development through MiCoast Properties, LLC. Locally the company owns The Mart Dock that handles marine cargo and uses older facilities for seasonal boat and vehicle storage.

Muskegon is Our Home Port
You might not know this, but SPC owns the World War II ship, USS LST 393 located near our offices. For many years it operated as the MV Highway 16, a car transit vessel. Local veterans led by Dan Weikel formed the nonprofit LST 393 Veterans Museum to restore the LST, one of only two LSTs remaining from the 1,051 ships initially built. The museum ship hosts over 10,000 visitors each year and in 2017 visitors came from 40 states and 13 countries.
Port City Cruise Lines, another SPC subsidiary, recently acquired the Port City Princess and now operates the popular Muskegon Lake-Lake Michigan tour boat. The boat was being optioned by an out of town purchaser and would have left the community for good. We’re pleased to have the boat staying in Muskegon as the Aquastar. The name is adapted from a passenger ferry we once owned, the SS Aquarama.
The company is committed to supporting a variety of nonprofits that are working to improve the lives of children and families in the core city of Muskegon.